VirtualSmartcard Module

Inheritance diagram of virtualsmartcard.VirtualSmartcard
class virtualsmartcard.VirtualSmartcard.Iso7816OS(mf, sam, ins2handler=None, extended_length=False)

Bases: virtualsmartcard.VirtualSmartcard.SmartcardOS

property SAM

secure access module


Returns response to the given APDU as string of characters


msg – the APDU as string of characters

formatResult(seekable, le, data, sw, sm)

Returns the ATR of the card as string of characters

getResponse(p1, p2, data)
static makeATR(**args)

Calculate Answer to Reset (ATR) and returns the bitstring.

  • directConvention (bool): Whether to use direct convention or

    inverse convention.

  • TAi, TBi, TCi (optional): Value between 0 and 0xff. Interface

    Characters (for meaning see ISO 7816-3). Note that if no transmission protocol is given, it is automatically selected with T=max{j-1|TAj in args OR TBj in args OR TCj in args}.

  • T (optional): Value between 0 and 15. Transmission Protocol.

    Note that if T is set, TAi/TBi/TCi for i>T are omitted.

  • histChars (optional): Bitstring with 0 <= len(histChars) <= 15.

    Historical Characters T1 to T15 (for meaning see ISO 7816-4).

T0, TDi and TCK are automatically calculated.

static makeThirdSoftwareFunctionTable(commandChainging=False, extendedLe=False, assignLogicalChannel=0, maximumChannels=0)

Returns a byte according to the third software function table from the historical bytes of the card capabilities.

property mf

master file


Powers down the card


Powers up the card


Performs a warm reset of the card (no power down)

static seekable(ins)
class virtualsmartcard.VirtualSmartcard.SmartcardOS

Bases: object

Base class for a smart card OS


Returns response to the given APDU as string of characters


msg – the APDU as string of characters


Returns the ATR of the card as string of characters


Powers down the card


Powers up the card


Performs a warm reset of the card (no power down)

class virtualsmartcard.VirtualSmartcard.VirtualICC(datasetfile, card_type, host, port, readernum=None, mitmPath=None, ef_cardsecurity=None, ef_cardaccess=None, ca_key=None, cvca=None, disable_checks=False, esign_key=None, esign_ca_cert=None, esign_cert=None, logginglevel=20)

Bases: object

This class is responsible for maintaining the communication of the virtual PCD and the emulated smartcard. vpicc and vpcd communicate via a socket. The vpcd sends command APDUs (which it receives from an application) to the vicc. The vicc passes these CAPDUs on to an emulated smartcard, which produces a response APDU. This RAPDU is then passed back by the vicc to the vpcd, which forwards it to the application.


Receive a message from the vpcd


Send a message to the vpcd

static connectToPort(host, port)

Open a connection to a given host on a given port.

static openPort(port)

Main loop of the vpicc. Receives command APDUs via a socket from the vpcd, dispatches them to the emulated smartcard and sends the resulting respsonse APDU back to the vpcd.
